They went to live with her mother. They were sober for a month but then started drinking again and were thrown of out the house. Chris is originally from Clarksburg and decided he wanted to come back here. He called his uncle and asked him to bring them back. None of Chris’ family could take them in, so they came to the Mission.
His girlfriend got a job and Chris began volunteering at the Mission. He was later offered a job driving the truck. They were able to save enough money to move back out on their own. After a short time they relapsed and lost all they had. Chris stopped working because of this and they came back to live at the Mission.
As of May 10th, he has been clean and sober for 7 months and has been married for a year. He said things started falling into place once he gave everything over to God. Recently, Chris decided to write a letter to the Clarksburg Police Department apologizing for the way he acted when he was drinking. He hand delivered the letter to one of the Lieutenants and was surprised when the officer hugged him. He told Chris he would put the letter on the bulletin board for the rest of the officers to see. Chris says now when police officers see him they wave at him and ask him how he is doing.
Chris is currently working at the Mission driving the truck. He picks up donations and makes deliveries. Chris said that the people of the Mission have been very supportive of him and have helped him in many ways.
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